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"True peace  is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of  justice." 

Martin Luther King, Jr.



If you don't like being watched, then you may want to think again. . . Welcome to Space Station Cyrga. SS Cyrga is the Federation's primary hub of exploration, diplomacy, and trade in the Delta Quadrant. The only problem is that it was left unattended as tensions and hostilities erupted in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. This allowed factions and fighting and even a certain amount of lawlessness to regain a foothold. . . The locals grew restless halted only by Space Station Cyrga , a guardian ever present in their line of sight. If the enemy could only gain control of it, or get rid of it. . . Various worlds in the DQ that would normally fight each other discovered that as allies they might could stand against their common enemy, the weakened Federation forces that had struggled to keep Cyrga functional and safe . . . Time was running out and the sleeping giant at the heart of Cyrga stirred from its semi-dormant state and reached...but would it be enough. . .


Space Station Cyrga Sleeve Patch

© 2021  by Fleet Admiral Cerywyn. Proudly created with


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