Aeternum Class Starbase
Type / Role: Exploration, Defense, Diplomacy and Production
Designed: Unknown;
Origins of Cyrga are unknown as are its age. What data we have shows it's one of the oldest 'things' encountered by any known species. We only know about Cyrga from what she chooses to disclose. We know the class because we found a file with limited information identifying it as such.
The station once operated with some type of stardrive but that's no longer operable and the station became stranded in the Delta Quadrant eons ago - at least 1000 years.
The station is sentient and alive
The station adapts to whatever species is aboard it, though it has several different environments on it.
The station has a massive power core, totally alien in nature and it is only with the help of the Pruiians, the station's hereditary guardians, that Starfleet is able to maintain it.
The station is regenerative and has reactive shielding(shields go up when it is shot). Weapons systems are operable to a point. The station ultimately controls more than SF knows how to use.
Starfleet has set up orbital weapons platforms around the station as well as phaser banks and torp launchers on the surface of the station.
The station has docking bays for 10 starships
Starfleet and Cyrga have a symbiotic relationship.
New elements can be added only with the station's consent and in some measure become part of it's sentient lifeform
The station is timeless. Noone knows it's age and age is meaningless to the sentience that is Cyrga.
" . . . Only in the surrender of the light could the darkness prevail . . ."
Diameter: 8,000 meters
Height (Main): 13,200 meters
Height (Overall): 10, 560 meters (without any antennae arrays)
Number of Decks: 2000 usable decks; 200 decks not usable
Overall Total: 260,000
Starfleet and Legion Officers: 31,500 (if at full capacity)
Starfleet and Legion Enlisted: 175,500 (if at full capacity)
Civilians: 52,5000 (if at full capacity)
Diplomats: 500 (on a rotating schedule)
Maximum Capacity: 370,000
Standard Quarters: vary in size based on location and rank
*Station is currently operating at perhaps 40% of the normal population groups (as of SD 240606.27)
Starfleet Command, Fleet Command: 20%
Imperial Xeno Legion, Fleet Command: 20%
Engineering/Technical Systems: 20%
Security/Tactical: 15%
Medical: 15%
Science/Research: 5%
Support: 5%
**These numbers can shift depending on a number of factors.
Computer systems are similar to Federation technology but at the same time are very much, not. There is at the heart of the computer system both a 'real' brain and something beyond what we can quantify. On the surface, there is a typical technological interface that mirrors uptodate LCARS interface. There are multiple computer interfaces throughout every accessible part of Cyrga. The amount of data accessible by Cyrga is unknown because we don't know how to measure her core neural network and it's relationship to more recognizable technology. We can assume that the station can handmillions, if not billions of teraquads of information at any given time. What ever Cyrga is or is not, she maintains a record of her own past and any and every species she's ever encountered.
As with the computer systems, how Cyrga matains mobility is unknown. What we do know is there are small stabilizing mechanisms at what have been identified as key locations. These stabilizers are extremely sensitive and in part organic. They are a key weakness should they become contaminated. While SF and now Legion troops operate and maintain the more non-organic parts of the stations, the propulsion system, especially the stabilizers, are almost exclusively maintained by the Pruiian guardians on the station.
Shields Sustainable Load: 87,600 MW
Shields Auxilliary Load:Up to 80% of primary
Phaser Arrays: 100 Phaser Arrays
300 Phaser Banks
Maximum Emitter Length: 350 segments
Torpedo Launchers: 45
Cloaking Device: There is obviously a cloaking device of some sort - active only when Cyrga chooses it to be. It's more of a large scale psionic cloak ... the station is there but it makes itself unnoticeable...unremarkable.
For simplicity's sake - the sensor arrays are just as unfamiliar to us as the rest of the station - BUT - I've utilized familiar Starfleet designations for the sake of comparison.
Lateral Sensors: 24 arrays of 6 pallets (SEE BELOW)
Probe Loadout: Class I Short-Range Sensor Probes
Class II Multimission Sensor Probes
Class III Planetary Survey Probes
Class IV Stellar Encounter Probes
Class V Medium-Range Reconaissance Probes
Class VI Communications Relay/Emergency Probes
Class VII Remote Culture Study Probes
Class VIII Medium-Range Multimission Warp Probes
Class IX Long-Range Warp Probes
Personnel Transporters: 72 7-person Cargo
Cargo Transporters: 55 21,000 metric ton
Emergency Transporters: 55 30-person
Main Holodecks: 85
Personal Holodecks: 200
Research Holodecks: 100
Engineering Holodecks: 25
Holographic Programs: 1 Long-Term Medical Holographic Program
Main labs 1 General Science Lab with Chief's office
6 Cybernetics
18 Stellar Cartography
15 Exobiology
6 Planetary Science
3 Astrometrics
15 Cultural Anthropology
12 Geo Physics
18 Microbiology
9 Physics
30 Chemistry Lab
Secondary labs 90 General Research Labs
75 Medical Research Lab
3 Self Contained Viral Research labs
Living Quarters:
1 Fleet Command level quarters at 250 square meters
1 Fleet Command level quarters at 175 square meters
50 Staff quarters at 150 square meters each.
25 Guest Quarter at 160 square meters each.
Offices: 2 Offices at 50 square meters each
30 Offices at 35 square meters each
10 Offices at 20 square meters each
2 Independent communications facility
1 Command Intelligence Centre
45 Ambassadorial quarters 200 square meters
100 Staff quarters at 150 square meters each.
275 Guest Quarter at 160 square meters each.
Conference Facilities: 5 300 square meter conference hall complex for 100 guests + press
5 250 square meter conference hall complex for 75 guests + press
10 200 square meter conference hall complex for 50 guests + press
60 50 square meter 15 seat briefing rooms
1 independent communications facility