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Starship Information
    Ship Class: Scorpio
    Type / Role: Runabout/Short-range explorer
    Comissioned: July 31, 2399

H U L L   D I M E N S I O N S
    Length: 28 meters
    Width: 16 meters
    Height: 4.8 meters
    Number of Decks: 1

C R E W   I N F O R M A T I O N
    Standard Crew: 10
    Current Crew: 8
    Maximum Capacity: 12
    Civilians: 0

C O M P U T E R   S Y S T E M S
    Bioneural / isolinear enhanced LCARS-II computer core.

    Computer Core Type: Bioneural
    Maximum Storage: 1.4 million kiloquads
    Data Transfer Rate: 2,100 kiloquads / second

P R O P U L S I O N   S Y S T E M S
    Hyperlight Drive: Dilithium Matrix Warp Drive
    Nacelles: 2
    Maximum Cruise: Warp 4.7
    Emergency Speed: Warp 7.9 (for 12 hours)
    Sustainable Field Output: 4300 cochranes
    Sublight Drive: Twin Tandem Impulse
    Maximum Cruise: 0.75c (for 5 minutes)

T A C T I C A L   S Y S T E M S
    Shields Sustainable Load: 1,500 MW
    Shields Auxilliary Load: Up to 55% of primary
    Phaser Arrays: 4 Type XI Arrays
    Maximum Emitter Length: 170 Segments
    Torpedo Launchers: 2 forward, 1 aft
    Torpedo Payload: 6 Mark II Quantum
                     30 Mark VI Photon
    Cloaking Device: None

S E N S O R   S Y S T E M S
    Navigational Sensors: Standard: 1 primary, 1 secondary
    Lateral Sensors: Enhanced: 3 arrays of 6 pallets
    Probe Loadout: Class I Short-Range Sensor Probes
                   Class II Multimission Sensor Probes
                   Class III Planetary Survey Probes
                   Class IV Stellar Encounter Probes
                   Class V Medium-Range Reconaissance Probes
                   Class VI Communications Relay/Emergency Probes
                   Class VII Remote Culture Study Probes
                   Class VIII Medium-Range Multimission Warp Probes
                   Class IX Long-Range Warp Probes

T R A N S P O R T E R   S Y S T E M S
    Personnel Transporters: 1 3-person
    Cargo Transporters: 1 8,000 metric ton
    Emergency Transporters: 1 4-person

Ship Specs

Craft Class: Jaguar Class Fighter
Type / Role: Heavy Fighter

Length: 24.9 meters
Beam: 11.9 meters
Draft: 5.8 meters
Mass: 52.3 tons

Standard Crew: 1
Maximum Capacity: 2

Hyperlight Drive: Soliton Wave Drive System
Nacelles: 0
Maximum Cruise: Warp 7.5
Emergency Speed: Warp 9.2 (for 12 hours)
Sustainable Field Output: N/A
Sublight Drive: Twin Tandem Impulse
Maximum Cruise: 0.96c (for 5 minutes)

Shields Sustainable Load: 750 MW
Shields Auxilliary Load: Up to 75% of Primary
Phaser Arrays: 4 Type IX+ Pulse Phaser Cannons
               2 Type IX Phaser Banks
Maximum Emitter Length: n/a -- Banks
Torpedo Launchers: 2 forward
 (Forward launchers are gatling cannons)
Torpedo Payload: 200 13cm Quantum micro-torpedoes
Cloaking Device: Jaguar Stealth System

Emergency Transporters: 1 2-person

A complex series of external holographic projectors have been incorporated
directly into the hull of the Jaguar Class, which confer a chameleon-like ability to adjust hull reflectivity and emissivity.A much more complex, capable system than the similar projectors in Whitestone's Spectre, this gives a fair imitation of cloaking without the massive power consumption that usually reserves such cloaking devices for larger capital ships. Not only does it make the Jaguar extremely difficult to detect with even the most advanced of ship-based sensor equipment, it makes a positive weapons lock-on even more difficult.

Powered by a large fusion generator mounted at the aft of the Fighter, the Holo-Stealth works by creating a holo matrix around the fighter which can take the form of anything from a small shuttle, to as large as a Klingon Bird of Prey - however the larger the holomatrix the shorter the time it can be maintained. Although unable to fire while its stealth is engaged, by the time their stealth is disengaged and their cover revealed, the last of their pulse phaser blasts will be tearing through their enemies hull with deadlyefficiency.

Craft Class: Targa-Class Assault Runabout
Type / Role: Infiltrator delivery

Length: 30 meters
Beam: 15 meters
Draft: 10 meters
Mass: 250 tons

Standard Crew: 2-4 (flight, carries 20 soldiers)
Maximum Capacity: 45 (without full gear)

Hyperlight Drive: Cryogenic Matrix Warp Drive
Nacelles: 2
Maximum Cruise: Warp 9.6
Emergency Speed: Warp 9.9 (for 12 hours)
Sustainable Field Output: 3500 cochranes
Sublight Drive: Twin Tandem Impulse
Maximum Cruise: 0.75c (for 5 minutes)

Shields Sustainable Load: 600 MW
Shields Auxilliary Load: Up to 80% of Primary
Phaser Arrays: 4 Type Pulse Phaser Cannons (shuttle class)
Maximum Emitter Length: n/a
Torpedo Launchers: 1 forward, 1 aft
 (Forward launcher is a gatling cannon)
Torpedo Payload: 300 13cm Quantum micro-torpedoes
Cloaking Device: Storm

Personnel Transporters: 1 4-person

 The Targa class runabout has two decks, the upper is only the flight deck,which has seats for 2 to 4 crewman, but one can fly the ship on their own.

 The Targa is a relatively short range craft, and has to be moved in close to the system before it is released by its mother ship.  Another use of the Targa is as a support fighter for the mother ship.

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