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The Borg - Modifications

Traditional Weapons Array:

Cutting Laser - An effective energy beam utilized for slicing segments of a captive vessel for examination.  (reference "Q Who?" [TNG])

Tractor Beam - Also referred to as a "holding beam", this energy beam is used to seize another vessel and hold it in place.   Borg tractor beams also possess the ability to drain power from the protective shields of another vessel.  (reference "Q Who?", "The Best of Both Worlds" [TNG])

Disruptors - Primary offensive weapons system utilized by the Borg.   Borg disruptors are far more powerful than any other known phaser or disruptor technology. (reference "The Best of Both Worlds" [TNG], "Emissary"
[DS9], "Scorpion" [VGR])


Multikinetic Neutronic Mine - A Borg weapon of mass destruction.  These mines are similar to Quantum Torpedo technology, yet are far more destructive.  The
average mine has an explosive yield of five million isotons. (reference "Scorpion" [VGR])

Torpedo - Primary offensive weapons system utilized by the Borg.  Borg torpedos are similar to standard photon or quantum torpedos, but are far more
destructive.  (reference "Scorpion" [VGR])

The above weapons compliment that the  Borg already used, are are already quite dangerous. However the Federation and many others have encountered them before and our shields have improved...but enough? Hmmm..good question. Below is the only  change to the weapons array the fleet CO's and RD suggested making to the  Borg.


Borg Adaptations and Changes:

The ability to cloak along with thier rapid ability to adust their shield frequency, gives them a distinct advantage to combine the two into an adjustable shield/cloaking device...always adapting and altering
the frequency.

The drawback is power consumption.  They can strike while cloaked but it requires double the resources. 

After encountering OMEGA and feeling the brunt of their fuy, they did however manage to assimilate a small Omega colony in subspace. Using that technology they have they now have similar phasing abilities now can if necessary slip into subspace  however doing so, puts them in jeopardy of encountering the Omega Species. Likewise they can slide into fluidic space
for short time periods, but if they choose that course of action they leave themselves open to an attack by Species 8472.

During Insurrection, several shipments of chroniton torpedoes were ordered removed from the R/D facility on Earth. All but one of those shipments were accounted for..the final one thought lost with Delane. However, it was not lost....a smal borg scout vessel encountered the crew and the contents of the USS McAfee.  Learning the weapons were on board they studied the technology and learned the fear that Federation members had of such weapons.  Seeing this as an advantage they have incorporated the use of chroniton technolgy into their weapons array. A direct
hit by these weapons would be devastating to a vessel in close combat situations.

Their collective has adapted.  The Federation taught them that a centralized queen was a weakness...a means
of vulnerability. Destroy the queen, and the Borg would be decimated, immediatly shutting down. No longer is the Queen the only Hard Drive for the Borg anymore. They have adapted and not only are still a collective, but also operate in a hive mentality. There are many hives now positioned through out the quadrants each with a Queen. Should one be taken out there is one in line to take her place. (It's like losing your HD and be able to immediately reformat and restore your data) They would be vulnerable for abrief window of tiem but no where near as decimated as wiping out the queen once would have made them.

Changes to their Weapons Compliment:

The weapons change for the Borg will involve anti-proton beams which can easily and quickly cut away large sections of a ships hull. It is a very fine and precise weapon. With a little more power and maybe some plasma they could have developed a rapid fire anti-proton cannon which isn't limited like the defiants (They compressed the phaser beam into a pulse and diverted the power of the phaser cannons through the plasma relays creating a pulse phaser which was both rapid fire and more powerful than a normal phaser blast) cannon's in that they can only fire forward. A borg cube could be fitted with both types of weapon, and would most likely carry several hundred of these cannons which would allow them to easily take on a fleet of starships such as the ones thrown at them the previous times they have attacked the federation.

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